Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, this is definitely not an extra work =p

This is it; we are getting to the end to this module. Thinking back to the time we first meet in the EG1471 class, we were all ‘made’ to speak out our feelings towards taking this module, but now that we are reaching the end (with the hopes that we all can pass the scary exam… @@), how have everyone’s feelings changed? Well I’m still glad that I’ve taken this module, as I’ve really learned a lot: cite sources, CCS, brain mapping, etc. Some of them are really interesting topics for us to discuss, although this module really has a lot of tasks for us to complete.(>.<) Does the diagnostic test really show our improvements? But my text editing skill is still as terrible as ever, especially my graded text editing scores are sooOOooo… disappointing! (T.T) Sigh… I do hope that I’ve improved a little (>.<) Hmm… even though that I do not like doing the vocab, I do like the e-Porfolio very much. My special thanks to Kim, Lai Shan and Calvin, I appreciate very much for all your comments and thanks for spending your precious time reading all the portfolios. And of course, thank you Hu Xuan and Alex for the comments too^^ I hope that I’ve not been too harsh in giving comments and my apology if I’ve made any mistake and offence; I do not mean to hurt anyone.(>.<) Throughout this EG1471 journey, there may be some disagreements sometimes, but I believe that the joys are definitely more than sorrow.(^^) As I’m taking six modules this semester (and I believe many of our classmates are the same too), I might be tired and reluctant sometimes, and I’m sure that I’d been quiet most of the time (^^”), plus, I was sick most of the time (I think one-third over the whole semester period I’m in ill-state T_T); however, I do hope that my silence did not make you think negative of me. (^^”)

The final exams are around the corner and I believe that all of us are busying with the revisions. Just a last few words from me, I hope that every one of us can pass EG1471 exam, as well as pass other modules with flying colors too! All the very best and good luck to everyone! Gambateh~~ ^^ Aza aza fighting~ go go 加油~^^

Oh I nearly forgot, THANK YOU MRS CHAN~^^ You have been a very wonderful tutor! I'm so glad that you are our tutor~ (as I've heard from my friends from other classes that their tutors are............; haha~ =x ) Thanks for everything that you've done for us, and stay happy as always~^^
Last but not least, I’m glad to have met everyone in E03! Thanks for all the helps and friends forever~! (^o^)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Over these few decades, we’ve seen a lot of movies relating to brain mapping technologies. Even though this technology may not be so advanced as compared to what the movies have shown, it definitely has contributed certain pros and cons to our society.

With the aids of brain mapping technologies, police and judges are able to detect criminals easily as criminals cannot lie in the presence of these technologies. Besides that, brain mapping also enables brain disorder, such as schizophrenia, to be discovered earlier and hence, preventions and treatments can be carried out earlier.

However, growing with this technology development is the risen of certain ethical issues. Problems involving privacy and access may occur as a result of misuse of these technologies. Hence, measures need to be taken in order to avoid possible ethical abuses.

Most importantly, the authorized owner and target of these technologies must be clarified. Thus, rules and regulations need to be established in detailed. For example, only high-rank government officers have the authority to get contact with the machines. Besides that, not all criminals should be exposed to brain mapping test; in contrast, only those possess the highest possibilities with terrorism should be considered.

Furthermore, the use of brain mapping for medical purposes should also be controlled. Not everyone should be given the chance to undergo brain mapping. In fact, many possible cases of brain disorders can be detect through psychological testing. Moreover, the doctors must also undergo several rigorous test before they are given the permission for access.

In conclusion, the more brain mapping technologies being exposed to the society, the higher is the risk of technology misuse, as it will provide more chances for hackers. Brain mapping technologies could be a powerful instrument; any misuse of these technologies could bring disastrous consequences to the society. Therefore, scientists studying this technology and government are responsible for its uses and limitation.