Monday, September 29, 2008


Fusion Energy
Nuclear fusion, a chemical process where small nuclei combine to make a larger nucleus, is a power source of [the Sun] and stars. It produces more energy and less radioactive materials than nuclear fission. Moreover, nuclear fusion generates millions of times more energy than the burning of coal and hence researchers have been trying to control it for generating electricity. In this reaction, ions are mixed with electrons to form plasma. One great challenge is to confine and igniting the plasma in a self-sustaining way. A machine producing a ‘toroidal’ magnetic field is used to do so. A set of ‘poloidal field coils’ system in the machine helps to maintain plasma equilibrium and contributes to the magnetic flux change that ramps up and maintains the plasma current. The success on testing the coils-system prototype, in which the coils are able to achieve a stable operation, symbolises a great improvement and thus, acquiring the next component – poloidal field conductors, can be focused on. This technology is crucial as to fulfil our rapid growing global energy needs without emitting greenhouse gases and causing climate change.

EUbusiness © Copyright EUbusiness Ltd (2008). Nuclear fusion research takes a step forward.

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